NEW Products - Items tagged as "Flower"

Not only will you find brand new items in here, but also new scents for existing products. Be sure to check this section often...I have Lots of new products available to list in my shop.

View all 15mm washi 1980 1980's 1980s 1980s cartoon stickers 1980s character stickers 1980s phone 20mm 20mm washi 3d print 3d printed 4 leaf 40mm 80's 80's child 80s 80s child 80s phone 80s style 9 o clock Bonnie 9 oclock Bonnie acorn acorns Active Corp alice in wonderland ALL of our Scented Stickers alphabet angel angels animal cookies animal stickers animal washi Animals animals in clothes anthropomorphic Apple Apple Cider apple cider donut apple cider vinyl apple donut Apple Scent apples arcade Autumn Autumn stickers baby baby panda Baby Powder Baby Powder Scent baby seal back to school back to school stickers badger balloon balloons Balms Balms Record Balms Store Banana Banana Scent banana scented banana stickers bananas bandade bandage bandaid banner stickers baseball baseball fan baseball glove bat bath bath tub bathtime bats beach stickers bear bear sticker bears beaver bedtime bear beer bell bells BF24 big sticker bike bird bird stickers birds birthday Birthday bear birthday cake Birthday gift Birthday Stickers black cat black white cat blind bag blind box blue bear blue cat blue stickers blue washi blue yeti blueberries Blueberry book book club books Boot Boris bow stickers box of chocolates Bread breakfast breakfast foods breakfast stickers bringing back the 80's brown bear brush teeth brushing teeth bubble bubble bath Bubble Gum bubble gum ball bubble gum machine Bubblegum bubbles bulldog bunnies bunny burnt rubber buying christmas tree cabbage patch cabin cafe cake Cakes/Cookies calico calico cat candle candle stickers candles candy candy pen candy stickers caramel apple care bear care bears cartoon character cassette tape cat cat stickers cats celebration stickers chair cheer bear cherries Cherry cherry blossom Cherry Scent chick chicken chicks Chocolate chocolate bar chocolate cookie chocolate kiss chocolate mint Chocolate Scent chocolate scented chocolate stickers chocolates Christmas christmas candy Christmas Gift Shop Christmas market Christmas sticker Christmas Stickers Christmas tree Christmas washi cider Cinderella Cinnamoroll citrus clear background clear backing clear sticker clear stickers clicker clock cloud clouds clover coffee coffee bean coffee cup coffee drinker coffee lover coffee maker coffee mug cold cold day cold weather animals collector sheet conversation heart cookie cookie washi cookies cookout countryside Cow cow stickers cowboy cowboy boot cows cpk crab croissant cup of coffee Cupcake cupcakes custard the cat cut wood cute daisy dance Danielle's stickers death of pet decorative tape deer dental floss dental stickers dentist dentist reward dentist stickers dessert dessert stickers digital digital download dill pickle dog dog bed dog lover Dog Stickers dogs doll donkey donut donuts Dr. Stinky drink drink sticker drinks drum drunk duck duck pond duckling ducks earth earth day earth day stickers earthy scent Easter Easter Basket Filler EASTER Gifts! Easter Spring & Summer Stickers Easter stickers egg eggs eiffel tower eighties elephant elephants encourage reading England english es es stickers EverythingSmells Stickers fall fall food Fall scents fall stickers farm animals fast food stickers fidget fidget pen fidget toy fir tree fireplace Fireworks first aid flashback flower flower stickers flowers flying squirrel foil food food stickers forest four leaf fox foxes France French french fries french fry fresh cut wood fried chicken frog frog stickers frogs Frontia frost frozen fruit fruit sticker fruit stickers fruit yeti fun pens furukuwashiko fuzzy fuzzy stickers galaxy gamer garden garden stickers gardener gardening garfield genie genie yoni genieyoni Gentle Thrills German Germany getting the tree gift for boy gift for guy giraffe girl girl of all work glass bottle glitter goat gold accents gold foil gold outlines gold rimmed goose Grape grape jelly Grape Scent grapes gray cat gray fox gray rabbit green bear green leaf grumpy bear gum gumball gumball machine gummy Halloween Gifts Halloween Stickers happy birthday happy new year Harvest sticker headphones heart heart stickers hearts hedgehog hello kitty help earth hi-chew hichew holiday animals holiday stickers horse Horse Stickers horses hot chocolate hot chocolate sticker Hot Cocoa hot dog house husky ice Ice Cream ice cream cone ice skate ice skating independent artist international iron-on Italian Italy japan japanese japanese stickers japanese washi Jeeyoom journal stickers Julai Kate Mason keropi Keshi key chain key charm key ring keychain keychains kiss kitten kittens kitty koala koala bear koalas Kongdung Korean Korean food Korean stickers Kuromi ladybug large sticker laso latte leaf leather leather scented stickers leaves Lemon lemonade yeti lemons letter letter stickers lightbulb lighthouse lightning Lime limes lion little stickers Little Twin Stars loaf of bread log loss of dog lots of snow Love A Lot Bear love stickers lucky lucky me lunch box lunchbox masking tape Maybean meercat meerkat Melanie bunny Melanie from Miffy Meowashi Studio message in a bottle Miffy Miffy sticker mind wave mindwave miniature mint chocolate chip mole monkey moon motor bike motorcycle mouse mug of hot chocolate mushroom mushrooms music musical musical instruments My Melody Mystery Box mystery pack NBCO NEW Products new Trend stickers new year New Year party New Year's Eve nordic nostalgia nostalgic NSD25 ocean birds Odie Orange orange cat Orange Scent oranges oreo otter otters owl owls panda panda bear Panda stickers Paris France pastel colors Peach peaches peanuts gang pen penguin penguins pens people stickers peppermint hot chocolate phone phone sticker phone stickers picinic picking out tree Pickle pickle jar pickles picnic pie pig pig stickers pigeon pigs pine tree pine trees pink pink bunny pink Care Bear pink Christmas pink flower pink heart pink lemonade pink yeti planner stickers plant plant a tree plants polar bear PomPomPurin poodle popsicle popsicles potato potato stickers potatoes potion present present stickers Presents pretzel princess puffy puffy stickers pumpkin pie puppies puppy purple flowers purple heart purple yeti rabbit raccoon rain rain stickers rainbow rainbow bridge rainbows raincoat raining rainy day raspberries Raspberry Raspberry Scent rat rat stickers rats reading reading stickers record recycle red fox red white mushroom red white yeti retro retro Trend stickers ribbon candy rodent roller skate roller skates rollerskate rotary phone rubber rubber tire ryu ryuryu Saien saint patrick SALE! Sandylion Sanrio Sanrio characters santa dog scarf Scented Pens scented stickers Scented Stocking Stuffers scents of fall school lunch school stickers school supplies scratch & sniff scratch & sniff stickers scratch and sniff scratch and sniff stickers scratch n sniff sea otter sea turtle seagull Seal sealife seashells series 6 sheep shiny shooting star Shop Around the Corner silver silver foil sled sledding slice of lemon small stickers snack food sniff stickers snoopy snow snow day snow globe snow monster snow on houses snow white snowbird snowflakes snowglobe snowman snowmen snowy snowy forest snowy trees sparkle sparkle stickers sparkly spearamint spearmint sport stickers sports spring spring flowers Spring stickers squirrel SSC St. Patrick st. patrick's day stamp stamp stickers stamp style stickers star star shaped stickers star stickers stars sticker patch sticker tape stickers for boys stickers for guy stocking stocking stuffer stockings storm strawberries Strawberry strawberry shortcake Strawberry Shortcake character streamer street food street vendor stuffed animals sugar cookie sugar cookies summer flowers Summer food summer stickers sunshine swan tabby cat teddy bear teeth telephone terrarium the magic of christmas The Stinky Factory thermos those stickers from the 80's tiger time tin lunch box tiny stickers toast Toasted Ink tomato tomato plant tomato vine tomatoes tooth tooth paste toothbrush toothpaste toys travel tree tree stickers trees Trend 2025 Trend enterprises Trend Stickers Trend summer release Trend summer set tuxedo sam unicorn unicorns unscented Unscented Stickers valentine Valentine Stickers Valentine yeti valentine's day Valentines Day Gifts! vegetable vegetable stickers vegetables vintage lunchbox vintage scratch and sniff vinyl vinyl sticker Vinyl Stickers washi tape washi tape stand washi tape storage water bottle sticker water bottle stickers waterproof weather stickers white cat white chocolate white chocolate bar white yeti with green sparkles wide washi tape wind window wine winter winter animal winter animals winter clothes winter friends winter hat Winter stickers winter washi Wish Care Bear wood wood scent Woodland woodland animals woodland critters woods woodsy yellow bear yellow cat yeti yoni zebra zoo zoom